How to start hardening with cold water

October 16, 2021

by Michal

Dive into a vat of ice water or cut a hole in the ice and dive into a pond. Iceman, icewomen, that’s the real thing. But is this correct? Let’s have a few sentences to teach you all about the basics of hardening.

Why hardening cold water start

The basic goal of hardening cold water is to improve physical fitness and consolidate health and strength of will, and as I look around, so is a photo 🙂 No seriously, hardening has a great effect on strengthening both the immune system and psychological resilience.

Poisoning is an excellent prevention for various “rhymes” and viral diseases, reducing the risk of high blood pressure, improving allergy status, etc.

How to hardening

Touching is a long-term process that mainly reinforces qualities such as perseverance, willpower and patience.

Why even patience? It takes a certain willpower to get into the cold water in the first place, and at the same time it takes the body to gradually get used to the cold and the cold.

A novice tout should remember two words:

  • incremental
  • regularly

It’s not appropriate to jump in, so to speak head-on, and it’s important to have regularity, consistency in toughening, to get the organism used to it. The body only remembers its resistance to the cold for a limited period of time.

You can start hardening at home in the shower or outside ( pool, pond ).

Poisoning in the shower

For complete beginners, home hardening in the shower is ideal. You can use the following procedure:
Start by washing with cold water in the sink. Then gradually add a shower. Wash with lukewarm to warm water, then run cold water on yourself for a few seconds, then return to warm water. You can repeat this procedure multiple times. Always end with cold water. Start with your feet and move toward your head. Hold for a few seconds longer each day under cold water. A In winter it is recommended to shower for 1-3 minutes, in summer for 3-5 minutes.

It’s more appropriate to practice hardening in the shower in the morning. At home, you can start hardening pretty much any time of the year.

Outdoor hardening cold water

Here it’s better to start gradually from the end of summer, just not stop bathing regularly. With cooling water, the body gradually gets used to the cold and cold.

And remember, patiently, gradually and regularly.

After hardening, in both cases, at home and outdoors, dry thoroughly, warm the body with light exercise.

It is not advisable to get your head wet when hardening and wear a cap when hardening outdoors in winter.

Natural hardening

It can swell naturally and every day. Air swelling is probably the easiest and most natural way to start it. In short, wear fewer clothes. And again, please, gradually, they don’t have to eat halfway up the mountain in the cold.

Just go for a walk with one layer of clothing less. Or walk around the garden in the morning wearing nothing but a T-shirt, then later he can walk barefoot on the autumn dewy grass. In winter, walk on freshly fallen snow. Gradually adjust your body to the cold, gradually toughen up.

( Photo by Mika on Unsplash )

How to start hardening with cold water

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