6 tips on how to have a successful Instagram

October 14, 2021

by Michal

Six tips on how to have a successful Instagram!

Hello, all Instagram enthusiasts.

Have you ever wondered why some IG profiles are more visited than others? Except yours? Nowadays, we know there’s beautiful money to be made through IGs. Or you can receive at least valuable gifts simply for posting them on your Instagram (barter). I’ve decided to write down a few points for you, which will make your Instagram hit beautiful numbers!


1. What matters is the content and the name!

If you look at the different IG profiles, you’ll realize that their topics often recur. For example fitness, food profiles, luxury lifestyles, fashion and cosmetics, travel, etc. each of us has something to contribute. Something other people will be interested in. As they say, every commodity finds its buyer. You just have to decide what it is and build a profile on the subject. Do you like to cook and can you also arrange your food beautifully? Do a profile on cooking! Profiles on healthy cooking, sugar-free cooking, are now very much in vogue. If you know about fashion, add your outfit every day. Do you like makeup? Add samples of your makeup. If you exercise and like fitness, write down your exercise tips and advice, or add videos of yourself exercising. If you have a baby, write down various points of interest and tips for other moms who might be interested. If you just want your personal profile and you want more followers, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to type in a quote or joke from time to time with labels. Although Instagram may seem overwhelmed by everything, don’t worry. I think every profile finds its own followers. However, if you add something original to your posts, something other profiles lack, you’re guaranteed success.

Another thing is a name. It should be easy to remember, simple. Surely it shouldn’t be incomprehensible and overblown. Plus, the name should tell you a little bit about what your profile is about.

I recommend visiting @michutravel profile; @amelie.xoxo – fashion, healthy lifestyle.

Mummy/parent profiles: @janinewiggert, @alexajeanbrown. A profile of a Czech family is also great, proving that even with a small child you can travel all over the world: @thesikls.


2. Profile photo and biography

Again, a profile picture should tell you what your profile is about. And it would best be easy to remember and interesting.

You should fill in your CV with a brief overview of your site, what you do, your hobbies. It’s just written in points, complete with emoticons (the page will look more colourful and vibrant). For example, if you have a travel profile, type in your bio (CV) e.g.: Traveler (traveller), currently in LA (now I’m in LA). If you have a food profile, you can write, for example, Healthy snacking/Sugar-free recipes/Eat sweet with no regrets. On every subject, you can think of something simple that takes one’s first glance. Remember, organic should never be over-cooked. Some sites have solved it in a simpler way – they simply put black, or another colour, as a profile picture. It’s simple and efficient.

I suggest you visit the site: @placesplusfaces – the name suggests that these are pictures of different people in different places. They just have a white cross as a profile picture. Simple, original and effective.


  3. Photo

Appearance Of course, all the photos on IG have to look something. In general, of course, the better the photos, the more visitors your profile will attract. If you’d even like to make an Instagram living, it’s certainly worth investing in a quality camera or a mobile with a better camera. The sharpness of the photographs, the quality, the light and the composition are all important. For me, I recommend making photos as simple and light as possible. You’ll notice that in most of the photos, the white background is strongly prevalent, plus a very simple composition. At first glance, there are a lot of colour pictures, but watch out for the over-the-top. If you have a travel profile, be sure to shoot in daylight and as interesting as possible. Then there is the editing of the photos. Nowadays, there are many simple photo editing apps, which are also free. For me, Moldiv, for example, or the more advanced Polarr. Even Instagram itself offers various customization filters that make it more than simple. I know.


4. Composition

The composition of the photos and overall profile is very important. On the face of it, your potential follower will decide whether they like your site or not. Put similarly coloured photos side by side, similar themes, stab sites. You can always try to see what a profile picture will look like, or delete it again and add it some other time. There are even apps (such as Insta ToolBox) that split one photo into multiple photos for you to paste onto your profile. You can divide a photo into 9 smaller photos, for example, and the result is more than interesting.  






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5. Hashtags

One of the most important things ever is #hashtags or just #tags. I’m sure you’ve noticed the Instagram search option. This works because of the hashtags that users add either directly under the photo or in the comments. Other users can then easily find a certain photo. For example, if you have an Instagram about food, you add the hashtag #food to the photo. After that, all the people who type “FOOD” into the search will see your photo. Of course, pictures update over time, so it’s a good idea to add as many hashtags as possible, under which others can find your picture. This will increase your chances of having your picture seen by as many people as possible under different hashtags. You must also know the hashtag #likeforlike, or Like za like. For one thing, a lot of people type this hashtag into their searches and then purposely delete the photos labelled that way, and then the people in question delete the photos back to them. With this, you can get more followers for your Instagram. Other popular hashtags include: #followme #girl #pictureoftheday etc. Simply, the more hashtags the better!


6. Activity

The last point is activity. In short, the more active you are, the more people will notice you. Give as many hits, comments and follow-ups as possible. Try to liquidate and comment mainly on new photos (you can select in the search if you want the latest or best-most photos). The more pictures you click, or even better comments, the more people will visit your profile. For each extra hashtag, you have the number of photos that were added underneath. The more frequented the hashtag, the more people look at the pictures. With the comments, you can then be sure that the person will notice you and, in turn, croon your profile. Comments I recommend simple and in English. For example Nice profile! Cute photo! etc.


Let’s do it! Go try these tips and see for yourself! Good luck with that!

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